Saint Lucia’s Minister for Gender Affairs, Honourable Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte, has expressed her enthusiasm over the establishment of the country’s first-ever National Inter-Agency Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response (GBV) Task Force. The Task Force was officially launched on Thursday, following a Cabinet Conclusion on November 11, 2024, which emphasized the urgency of addressing Gender-based violence (GBV) as a matter of national concern.
This significant initiative was launched in partnership with the UN Women Multi-Country Office – Caribbean as part of the Build Back Equal (BBE) Project, funded by Global Affairs Canada and implemented with support from UNFPA. The Task Force builds on the progress of the BBE Project, which was launched in Saint Lucia in May, 2022, and aims to institutionalize coordination and partnerships across sectors to effectively combat GBV. Members include representatives from government and non-governmental organizations spanning health, social services, police, justice, and education sectors, along with civil society, youth representatives, and persons with disabilities.
Speaking at the launch event held at the Harbor Club Saint Lucia, Dr. Albert-Poyotte highlighted the importance of continuous education starting in schools to dispel the misconception that discussions on gender equality solely benefit women.
“It so happens that women have been underrepresented in many areas. When you speak of gender, you often find that efforts must focus on uplifting women to create a level playing field. However, this is not solely about women. Equity must come before equality—those who are more disadvantaged require greater support and resources to reach the same level. Men sometimes object to this, but opportunities must be created for both men and women to develop to their full potential, contributing equally to national development,” Dr. Albert-Poyotte explained.
The Minister also commended Prime Minister Honourable Philip J. Pierre for his steadfast support of gender initiatives, noting his approval of a 100% budgetary allocation for the Division of Gender Affairs. She celebrated the progress Saint Lucia has made in advancing gender equity, including the appointment of women to top decision-making roles across public and private sectors.
Tonni Brodber, Representative, UN Women MCO - Caribbean, lauded Saint Lucia for its robust domestic violence legislation.
“Saint Lucia holds a special place in my heart, particularly because the government consistently backs its principles with tangible actions. This commitment has driven significant progress, and while the work may seem understated, the upcoming year will highlight the extensive efforts and achievements of the Build Back Equal Project,” said Brodber.
Permanent Secretary in the Department of Gender Affairs and Labour, Mrs. Shelia Imbert, emphasized that effective GBV prevention and response require collaboration across multiple sectors.
“Partnerships are essential. The work done to date in Saint Lucia on GBV prevention and response has been built on collaboration, extending beyond government agencies to include civil society and other stakeholders,” Mrs. Imbert noted.
Following the launch, the Division of Gender Affairs plans to convene meetings with Task Force members to review among other things, the group’s Terms of Reference and discuss the proposed establishment of a one-stop center for GBV prevention and response.