Digital Technology for Future Smart Grenada
22 April 2021

Already on the front lines in the war against climate change, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are suffering from the economic turbulence and decline in tourism amid the COVID-19 pandemic. But one island is rising despite challenging times to embrace a new vision for a more resilient future. Grenada is leveraging technology, innovation and human capital, to define plans to be a Smart Small State that will leapfrog the nation toward a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future.
UNDP is supporting the government to develop the overarching vision for digital transformation for the entire society. Leading consultations with key government and private sector stakeholders and drawing upon international examples of innovation and digitalisation, the team has defined a conceptual roadmap and immediate steps to usher in this Smart Small Grenada. The transformation will be government-led but by no means restricted to government. It will focus on encouraging digital upskilling and incentivising experimentation and innovation amongst its businesses and citizens.
“The Smart Grenada vision will deliver economic growth and development for the country. Harnessing digitalisation as an enabler will yield increased productivity in existing areas such as tourism, government administration, commerce, education and agriculture. It will also open important new developmental opportunities in financial services, creatives arts, digital media, IT development, medical research and more. The vision aims to leverage Grenada’s strengths by the way of its natural resources: agriculture, marine environments, and tourism, and double down on its vulnerability to environmental and external shocks.” Minister Stiell, Minister for Climate Resilience and the Environment.”
The recommendations for putting the vision into action are centred around the creation of an Innovation Hub, a multi-stakeholder initiative to stimulate an environment for Grenadians to exchange ideas on innovative solutions to local problems, prioritising those that focus on making the country climate smart, sustainable, and digitally literate. The Innovation Hub would harness advancements in digital technologies and international expertise to address local challenges such as developing the blue economy and climate resilient agriculture, while also aiming to develop the tools and capacities of local businesses and people to respond to these challenges.
Learn more about the vision and how it plays out across parts of society on this interactive webtool.