British Virgin Islands
The British Virgin Islands (BVI) is one of three British Overseas territories covered by the United Nations Multi-Country Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. An archipelago consisting of four main islands and several smaller islands and cays, BVI is home to 30,180 people. Only 16 of a total of 60 islands in the BVI are currently inhabited. Over the years, the British Virgin Islands have partnered with UN entities to help achieve sustainable development within its society. One such partnership, Global Island Partnership promotes action to build resilient and sustainable island communities by inspiring, catalyzing commitments and facilitating collaboration. These partnerships have helped bring global attention to and support for Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

- Through the SDG partnerships platform, the world’s first off-grid solar-powered desalination unit was constructed in BVI to provide access to clean water.
- With the support of UNDP, BVI developed a Strategic Blue Economy Roadmap that promotes ocean based sustainable development and brings together economy, environment and society. This is consistent with the 2030 agenda and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
- The November 2, 2020 signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between UNDP and BVI to strengthen cooperation, support sustainable growth and further address the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 and other external shocks such as natural disasters, financial crisis or pandemics.