UNDP commissioned a national survey in Barbados to assess the lived realities of LGBTQI+ people and inform the development of inclusive public policies.
In August of 2022, UNDP commissioned the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus to undertake a National LGBTI Survey for Barbados as part of UNDP’s regional project: Being LGBTI in the Caribbean.
The National LGBTI Survey sought to ascertain the lived realities of LGBTQI+ people in Barbados. Specifically, the study aimed to (1) produce knowledge and assess personal costs related to LGBTQI+ people’s experiences of social exclusion, stigma and discrimination; and (2) make useful recommendations that may inform the development and implementation of inclusive public policies. The research considers eight areas where exclusion, stigma and discrimination may be experienced:
1. Citizen Security
2. Education
3. Employment
4. Health
5. Housing
6. Violence
7. Access to Justice
8. Political Participation
Access the full report here.