Launch of Build Back Equal Project: Transforming Opportunities for Women and Youth-Owned Businesses in the Caribbean
05 June 2023
Caption: Partners together: Prime Minister of Dominica, the Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit stands with Tonni Brodber, Multi-Country Office Representative for UN Women Caribbean, Jenny Karlsen, Deputy Director of UNFPA Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean, and ministers responsible for gender affairs from the participating countries at the launch of the The Build Back Equal Project in Dominica.
Build Back Equal Project Launches to Empower Women and Youth-Owned Businesses in the Caribbean, with the support of Global Affairs Canada.
The Build Back Equal Project, an initiative funded by Global Affairs Canada, has officially launched. This project is set to empower women and youth-owned businesses by ensuring their access to affordable financing, implementing fit-for-purpose social protection programs, improving sexual and reproductive health services, and facilitating easier access to support for survivors of gender-based violence.
Implemented by UN Women Caribbean and UNFPA Caribbean, the Build Back Equal Project carries a value of 10 million Canadian dollars. Its impact will be felt across four Caribbean countries: Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Attendees at the launch event included the Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica, Tonni Brodber, Multi-Country Office Representative for UN Women Caribbean, Jenny Karlsen, Deputy Director of UNFPA Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean, and ministers responsible for gender affairs from the participating countries. The stakeholder session highlighted the paramount importance and numerous benefits associated with this transformative project.
Caption: Attendees at the launch listen on to the launch.
Notably, David Eric-Simard, First Secretary of the High Commission of Canada in Barbados and the OECS, delivered remarks virtually, further emphasizing the significance of international collaboration.
Caption: The Honourable Roosevelt Skerrit, Prime Minister of Dominica addresses attendees at the Build Back Equal Project Launch.
Prime Minister Skerrit underscored the project's profound significance, stating:
"The Build Back Equal Project takes place in Dominica at a time when we have been concerned, as a people and government, with strengthening our systems against the threat of climate change and other external shocks, and empowering our women to be major players in creating a stronger society. I welcome the start of this project, which focuses on breaking down barriers for women to access sustainable economic opportunities."
The launch of this regional project holds critical importance, as it aligns the aspirations of the four OECS members and acts as a catalyst towards achieving our national and regional goals on gender equality.
The Build Back Equal Project, funded by Global Affairs Canada, seeks to ensure affordable financing and social protection for women and youth-owned businesses in the Caribbean. It is implemented by UN Women Caribbean and UNFPA Caribbean, with a focus on Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
About UN Women Caribbean:
UN Women Caribbean is part of the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and women's empowerment. It works to advance women's rights, respond to the challenges faced by women in the region, and promote gender equality in all areas of life.
About UNFPA Caribbean:
UNFPA Caribbean is the regional office for the United Nations Population Fund, focused on sexual and reproductive health and rights. It supports efforts to improve maternal health, prevent gender-based violence, and empower young people to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health.