The six-week digital campaign, known as #ActOnFacts – The Food in Schools Matters, aims to garner public and policymaker support for the implementation of policies that limit the sale and marketing of unhealthy food items containing high levels of sugar, fats, and salt in and around schools. Simultaneously, the campaign aims to increase the availability of healthy food options and drinking water.
Led by the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC), this campaign brings together a coalition of partners, including UNICEF, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Commission, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Barbados (HSFB), the Heart Foundation of Jamaica (HFJ), the Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network (JYAN), and with technical collaboration from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
It is well-recognized that children spend a significant portion of their time at school, where unhealthy food and sugary drinks are often readily available and more affordable than their healthier alternatives. Eating habits formed during childhood have a lasting impact, and alarmingly, one in three Caribbean children already grapples with obesity. Moreover, the excessive consumption of unhealthy foods is the primary driver of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
The UNICEF Representative for the Eastern Caribbean Area, Pieter Bult, emphasized the urgency of action, stating, "We must take immediate steps to safeguard the current and future health of our children. Investing in healthy diets within schools gives children the best possible start in life, enabling them to flourish physically and intellectually and setting them on a path to reach their full potential."
Dean Chambliss, PAHO's Subregional Programme Director for the Caribbean, highlighted the threat posed by the escalating rates of overweight and obesity among children to the vulnerable economies of the Caribbean. He stated, "PAHO/WHO is collaborating with regional governments to support the implementation of a comprehensive package of interventions to combat childhood obesity. This includes regulations targeting the sale and marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages in school environments."
CARPHA reports that the Caribbean has some of the highest rates of childhood obesity globally. Dr. Joy St. John, Executive Director of CARPHA, cautioned, "We can no longer afford to overlook the importance of regulating school environments. Ultra-processed foods have no place in our schools, which should serve as spaces that promote physical and mental well-being."
According to Dr. Didacus Jules, Director General of the OECS, "Healthy school policies present an opportunity for food manufacturers and distributors to explore healthier options."
The campaign also aligns with the regional food and nutrition security agenda, emphasizing the need for the Caribbean to cultivate locally and consume what is grown. Dr. Renata Clarke, FAO's Subregional Coordinator, emphasized the importance of farm-to-school programs that connect farming communities and farmers with school meals programs. These programs not only expose children to local indigenous produce but also contribute to sustainable farming livelihoods and support food and nutrition security.
Some Caribbean countries have taken steps to implement national policies that regulate the availability of sugar-sweetened beverages in schools. This includes countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, The Bahamas, and most recently, Grenada. Barbados and St. Lucia are currently in the process of implementing similar policies.
Sir Trevor Hassell, President of the HCC, emphasized the need for further action, stating, "Despite increasing policy momentum, the pace of action does not match the urgency of the situation. The pandemic has revealed our vulnerability, underscoring the need to build resilience. The health of our region is the wealth of our region. We must invest in preventive policies that target our most precious resource—our children."
The campaign, which encourages parents to advocate for healthy school nutrition policies, features predominantly monochrome imagery to symbolize the straightforward link between children's health and their diet. It will be supported by various activities led by the HCC's youth arm, Healthy Caribbean Youth.
Pierre Cooke Jr., the campaign's Youth Champion, conveyed a powerful message, stating, "This campaign sends a resounding message that schools must not become dumping grounds for unhealthy ultra-processed foods. We have a right to nutritious food and good health. Caribbean governments have an obligation to protect this right. The evidence is clear—'#ActOnFacts – The Food in Schools Matters' campaign will make a difference."