
UN House Ablaze in Orange to Symbolize A Future Free of Violence

01 December 2022
Smiling for a photo opportunity before the event began are (L-R) Limya Eltayeb, Resident Representative For UNDP Barbados And The Eastern Caribbean, Tonni Brodber, Representative of the UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean, Didier Trebucq, Resident Coordinator for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Kayoko Fukushima, Japanese Ambassador to Barbados, and Amalia Del Riego, PAHO/WHO Representative for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean.
Caption: Smiling for a photo opportunity before the event began are (L-R) Limya Eltayeb, Resident Representative For UNDP Barbados And The Eastern Caribbean, Tonni Brodber, Representative of the UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean, Didier Trebucq, Resident Coordinator for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Kayoko Fukushima, Japanese Ambassador to Barbados, and Amalia Del Riego, PAHO/WHO Representative for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean.
Photo: © RCO/Java Sealy

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UN entities involved in this initiative

United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Goals we are supporting through this initiative