
UN Common Premises officially opened and Government of Antigua and Barbuda signs second Country Implementation Plan with the UN

23 March 2022
Inauguration of UN  Common Premises in Antigua and Barbuda
Caption: UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Didier Trebucq (left), UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr. Luis Felipe Lopez-Calva, join Prime Minister the Hon, Gaston Browne in cutting the ribbon to officially open the new UN Common Premises, after which Prime Minister Browne and Mr. Trebucq sign the new Country Implementation Plan for Antigua and Barbuda, as Foreign Minister Mr. E.P. Chet Greene witnesses yesterday's signing. The spanking UN Common Premises located at independence Drive is also pictured
Photo: © Antigua and Barbuda PMO

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UN entities involved in this initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Children’s Fund

Goals we are supporting through this initiative