2021 is a make or break year to confront the global climate emergency.
The NDC synthesis report is prepared in response to the requests from COP 21 (Paris, 2015) and CMA 2 (Madrid, 2019) to the secretariat to prepare a synthesis report of the NDCs submitted by Parties before COP 26. In view of the postponement of COP 26 to November 2021 and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the NDC preparation process, the secretariat decided to issue the NDC synthesis report in two editions: an initial version by 28 February 2021 and the final version in advance of COP 26 (date to be determined yet).
The initial version synthesizes information from 48 new or updated NDCs, representing 75 Parties, submitted as at 31 December 2020 in accordance with decision 1/CP.21. These 75 Parties represent about 40% of Parties to the Paris Agreement and account for about 30% global GHG emissions.
As Parties continue to have the opportunity to communicate an updated or new NDC during the course of 2021, the final version of this report is likely to provide a more complete synthesis.
For ease of reading, the summary of this initial NDC Synthesis Report can be viewed in the accordion below. Both the summary, as well as the full report are also available here